Monday, December 01, 2008

Venice Is Sinking.

Just like the Stephen Harper and his Conservative government, historic Venice is under water.

More here.


JCKelan said...

The most important job of a Canadian Prime Minister is national unity.

Stephane Dion has failed on this point already.

By entering into a formal accord with the Bloc, he has:

- given them legitimacy in the eyes of soft nationalist and even federalist voters.
- made it easier for the Bloc to campaign in the next election as being "not really" about separation.
- made the separatists seem a whole lot less scary for voters.

The Liberal Party are creating winning conditions for separatists.


JC Kelan

WesternGrit said...

Typically Conservative view of things JC. Why do you think the Bloc (and PQ) exist? No, no, NO...! Not to separate. Something happened (okay, many things) which had to do with not being heard in Ottawa. It started decades ago (maybe Centuries), and is still going. What would help resolve the issues of people who felt they never had enough say... Had so little say that they should "opt out" of the country? What would help resolve their issues? How about, instead of just giving them a say, let them be a part of the national decision-making. Not just a piece of the pie, but a seat at the decision-making table.

Unlike what you postulate, this will very well help drive more nails into the coffin of "sovereignism".

Canada is back!

JCKelan said...


So, you are saying that Quebeckers have not been part of national decision making?

That's funny.