Monday, May 01, 2006

Step Right up and Take a Number!!

Next Face has advocated since day 1 that the new leader of the Liberal Party has to be a serious candidate with serious ideas. Pretenders need not apply. So faithful readers can imagine the alarms that went off in our press room when the news came over the wire that one Hedy Fry will be making an announcement that she too would like to be considered for the position of Liberal Leader. Tobias has still not recovered from the shock and is convulsing in the fetal position by the photocopier. Faint cries of say it “ain’t so” rise every so often along with the gentle weeping that Tobias hasn’t shown since we all found out that Belinda joined the party.

Given that this is my first full week as the Guest Host how am I to handle this bombshell? Should I take the prospect of a Hedy Fry candidacy seriously? Should I devote time and energy in writing whether or not she is the ideal candidate for the party of Laurier, King, Pearson and Trudeau? Should I be dismissive?

No, I think this calls for a little poetry:

As we speak
Hedy gets ready
To launch
Her campaign
To be leader
Of the Party
As we speak
Hedy believes she
Is ready
To be leader
Of the Party
Of Trudeau and King
As we speak
Are burning
Their cards
Of the Party
As we speak


S.K. said...

Don't be so reactionary. Her voice, that of a women of colour from the west is welcome in the policy discussions and debates that will happen in this race. It is one of the best times to discuss ideas. you don't have to like her or what she has to say, but she'snot a white man from Toronto and that has to be good for the Liberal Party's optics right now.

Anonymous said...

hedy fry equals good optics?
am i missing something here?

Anonymous said...

How is it god optics to have Hedcy Fry be the next leader? As a woman I take great offence to the idea that just because someone is a woman that I should automatically be happy that she is in public life or in this case running for leader. What I am interested in is the quality of the person and his or her ideas. If a man is running whose policies I agree with than I will support that person. Hedy Fry is totally bad optics. She is a louud mouth who suffers from foot in mouth desease. She is an embarrasment "as we speak."

Anonymous said...

I couldnt agree with you more.
some would have us think that because a candidate is a woman that it qualifies her as a voice. It is an unfortunate reality in this politically correct world that we live in and I for one do not buy is blinded by gender in this case and does not see the person for the person.

S.K. said...

Her riding keeps electing her. I guess you don't have much respect for them either. Kim campbell, Svend Robinson, She's taken on some pretty big names and won. I didn't say I wanted her to be leader, but to say she's an embarassment, is well, an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Hedy is my MP.
Do I think she can win this leadership...NO
do i think she run...YES
She is passionate and stands up for her beliefs. She fights hard. She has done alot for Vancouver over the years. Vancouver recognizes that ya she may not be perfect but she is effective, she works very hard and has accomplished alot for our our wonderful city. For those who put her down I say have a talk with the woman and you may view her very differently
I think the race needs someone like her to bring in ideas.

Anonymous said...

maybe mel lastman should comne out of retirement and run ... what the heck lets bring them all out for the party!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mature posting, probably why you are reporting on a blog, not a real news outlet.

Just so you know, I work with the RCMP and the hate crimes happened and happen, in BC. We may not be able to report on things due to conflict, but I will point out that the RCMP arrested the KKK grand wizard shortly after Ms Fry's comments. She was wrong about the town, but the incidents of hate crimes against first nations were correct.

Anonymous said...

As a loyal scribe at Next Face I take issue with your assault on our blog. I guess the numerous e-mails we go through everyday by those who find our blog insightful and thought provoking matter not to you. Of course "Anonymous" you always have the option of bypassing on your way to sites of "real news outlets" but we are a big tent blog and we welcome your comments nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

From Ponte Vecchio, i just wanted to say that this blog rocks...

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »