Friday, June 23, 2006

Team Dryden Accepts the Challenge.

Well there you have it. Just two hours after posting our challenge, Linda Kristal of Ken Dryden's communication team was kind enough to respond and offer up a one on one interview with the Liberal leadership candidate. Needless to say, we are very impressed with Mr. Dryden's organization.

We promise to make the best of this and to report back with audio (we are looking to improve our voice technology as we speak).

We shall keep you posted on the date and time of the interview which has been tentatively set for Tuesday the 27th but could change due to Mr. Dryden's schedule.


Anonymous said...

A Ken Dryden interview is a coup...nice leg-work Next Face. The thing about Ken is his political inexperience -- will it help him or hurt him?

Everything about him -- the athlete, author, lawyer and businessman -- is impressive but Ottawa is about politics and I for one would like to know who he's got on his team to sail the political ship in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ford dude...

Ken's team grows every day. You can join too at