Saturday, October 14, 2006

Chantal Gets It Right. Again.

Chantal Hebert writes a great column. Today's Toronto Star article is no exception. It is a terrific assessment of Harper's current polularity in Canada and in particular in Quebec where he is all but dead in the water. "...Tories would be hard pressed to get their 10 Quebec MP's re-elected, let alone win new seats. Their current standing is a full eight points below their score int he last election.".

This in spite of the fact that the "...Prime Minister has had the stage almost exclusively to himself all summer and that he has been pounding away at new policy announcements since the return of parliament...(and)...despite the fact that the Liberals are still leaderless..."

Next Face is all but certain that Team Mulroney has something up their sleeve to resurrect the flailing Quebec support in time for the next election. Nothing short of a full withdrawl of our troops could save him now. While nothing would surprise us, what we do know is that we are dealing with a well oiled and cunning operative here and although Chantal's comments ring true, the Blue Machine ain't dead. Not by a long shot.

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